The first one is the 21 Day Kickstart focused on overall healthful eating that will help with an array of common ailments and get you off ridiculous weight-loss programs that never work. No more calorie counting, no carb counting, no portion control, just living. Learn what to stock your kitchen and fridge with, learn to cook it, and get a meal while your in the class.
The second class type is focused on Cancer reversal and avoidance. Learn about the foods that are the best cancer fighters and how to reset your body to better avoid precancerous symptoms. If you have had cancer, learn how to strengthen your body through food and truly survive it and the evasive prescription treatments. Learn about prevention. Learn what to stock your kitchen and fridge with, learn to cook it, and get a meal while your in the class.
The third class on Heart Disease. Same situation as the above classes, only this one is specific to those at risk for myocardial infarctions or heart attack. If you are on medications for your cholesterol, if you have high blood pressure, if you have already had a heart attack, then you need this class to learn how to get off your medications, strengthen your body, and reverse the condition.
The last one is on Diabetes. The situation is the same as the above classes, but specific to the foods that will help you avoid Type 2 diabetes, or reverse it if you already have it. Learn about the power of food and get out of the cycle.
The Kickstart class starts this Sunday. Here is the information.
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